Script of the Rozen Maiden Character Drama CD Vol. 1 ~ Suigintou (LHCA-5047) Translated into English by Unyuunymous ( August 25, 2006 TRACK 1 - MEGU AND SUIGINTOU [ 0:00] [Image song: "Kanata kara no REKUIEMU" ("Requiem from Afar") - see Track 5 portion of the script for the lyrics.] ... [ 3:06] [Clinking of plates.] [ 3:07] Nurse: Oh? Megu-chan, today you've touched just a little bit of it, haven't you? Usually you won't even try to eat a single bite. [ 3:16] Megu: I had just a little bit today. I felt like it. [ 3:20] [Clinking of plates.] [ 3:22] Nurse: Yes? If you keep up with that kind of attitude from now on, I'm sure you'll get better! [ 3:28] Megu: Yes. Thank you, nurse. [ 3:32] Nurse: Y-yes... Well then, call me if there's anything you need, okay? [ 3:36] [Footsteps receding.] [ 3:39] [Door slides open and shut.] [ 3:41] Megu: ... It's alright now. [ 3:43] [Magic sounds.] [ 3:45] [Swoop.] [ 3:47] Megu: Hello, angel. [ 3:50] Suigintou: Haven't I told you to stop calling me that? [ 3:54] Megu: Yes... Oh? What's the matter? You have an amazed look on your face. [ 4:01] Suigintou: I do *not* have any such look on my face. [ 4:06] Megu: That's too bad... I thought maybe I had gotten to understand you a little. [ 4:14] Suigintou: Don't get so conceited. [ 4:17] Megu: Alright. [ 4:19] Suigintou: I was merely thinking about how I saw something funny. [ 4:23] Megu: Funny? [ 4:24] [Wind gusts.] [ 4:25] Suigintou: Your showing of some courtesy to that human in white. [ 4:29] Megu: White...? Ah, you mean the nurse? [Chuckle.] [ 4:37] Suigintou: What? [ 4:39] Megu: That was just a whim. [ 4:41] [Music starts.] [ 4:42] Megu: From time to time I play up to the sense of self-satisfaction of people like the doctors or nurses, who want to be thanked by me. [ 4:50] [Wind gusts.] [ 4:54] Suigintou: Is that such cause for enjoyment? [ 4:56] Megu: But it's funny! For those people, who are totally unable to do anything to fix this broken body of mine... For them to want to be thanked for their actions... [ 5:12] Suigintou: It's a cruel punishment, is what you're trying to say. [ 5:15] Megu: The only time that I'll ever give my heartfelt thanks, will be when my true wish is granted... Say- [ 5:24] Suigintou: I don't know what you expect of me, but I haven't the least intention of playing up to *your* sense of self-satisfaction. [ 5:32] Megu: [Giggle.] [ 5:33] Suigintou: What's so funny? [ 5:36] Megu: Perhaps a doll and her Medium resemble one another. [ 5:44] Suigintou: Brazenly making a contract with me on your own... I still haven't acknowledged you as my Medium, you know. [ 5:54] Megu: But you used my life energy to- [ 5:56] [Whoosh.] [ 5:57] [Glass shattering.] [ 5:57] Suigintou: That has nothing to do with it! [ 5:58] [Music stops.] [ 5:59] Suigintou: Even without using a human's energy, I'll be the one to win the Alice Game. I'm not like Shinku and the others, who can't do anything without relying upon a Medium. [ 6:10] Megu: Suigintou... [ 6:11] [Footsteps.] [ 6:13] Megu: Where are you going? [ 6:15] Suigintou: Somewhere you aren't. [ 6:17] Megu: I see... [ 6:20] Suigintou: Try as best you can to die on your own. [ 6:23] [Swoop.] ... [ 6:26] [Music starts.] [ 6:28] Suigintou: I don't get it. What is that human's problem? Is each and every Medium like that? [ 6:39] [Wind gusts.] [ 6:42] Suigintou: What the hell is it that I want to do? I ought to leave such a human as that, but... [ 6:50] [Whoosh.] [ 6:53] [Swoop. Tap.] [ 6:54] [Footsteps.] [ 6:55] Suigintou: Doll and Medium... Never before now have I thought about it. To go so far as to join herself in a contract with me like that, against my will... [ 7:06] [Music changes.] [ 7:06] [Magic sounds. Footsteps.] [ 7:07] Suigintou: [Grunt.] An N-Field...? [ 7:11] Laplace: The reason you've never thought about it, is that you've never *needed* to think about it. That, my dear black angel, is because you've nver even once before had a Medium of your own. [ 7:24] Suigintou: Laplace's Demon...! [ 7:26] Laplace: They say that people think with their feet... Well well, then, I wonder whether it is thus for my dear black angel? [ 7:36] Suigintou: Did you come here to spout such stupid nonsense? [ 7:39] [Footsteps.] [ 7:39] Suigintou: Also... *Don't* call me that! [ 7:42] [Flap.] [ 7:44] Laplace: Indeed, indeed. Might one say, that it is a name you wil not permit to pass the lips of any but your beloved? Just like one of those fleeting romances sung of by the bards, is it not? [ 8:00] Suigintou: [Grunt.] [ 8:00] [Attacking sounds.] [ 8:03] Laplace: Oh my, this is dangerous. [ 8:06] Suigintou: I'll only tell you this once. *Begone!* [ 8:09] Laplace: That being the case, I'll not make you tell me more than once, first doll of the Rozen Maidens, who was formerly one without. Farewell. [ 8:22] [Magic sounds.] [ 8:25] [Music stops.] [ 8:25] [Birds sing in the distance.] [ 8:26] Suigintou: As always, such a shady-looking rabbit. "One without"...? [ 8:34] [Swoop.] [ 8:35] [Wind blowing.] [ 8:36] Suigintou: I don't particularly care about Mediums, but... [Chuckle.] I don't much feel like fighting right now, so I suppose it would be a good way to ward off boredom. [ 8:49] [Swoop.] TRACK 2 - DOLL AND MEDIUM [ 0:00] [Page turning.] [ 0:00] Jun: Huh? This guy wasn't the culprit? [ 0:04] Shinku: Jun. [ 0:05] [Page turning.] [ 0:05] Jun: If all of the foreshadowing up until now was just a decoy, then who the heck is the real culprit? [ 0:10] Shinku: Jun. [ 0:10] [Page turning.] [ 0:11] Jun: No way! For this guy to be the real villain...! You're great, to be able to see through that, Kunkun! Even a grownup reading it wouldn't see through this trick! [ 0:21] Shinku: Jun! [ 0:21] [Smack!] [ 0:22] [Music starts.] [ 0:22] Jun: Uwaah-! Stop, stop-! Don't pull on me-! [ 0:22] [Crash.] [ 0:26] Jun: Ow-ow... Hey! Shinku! [ 0:28] [Pound.] [ 0:28] Jun: What's the big idea of tripping me suddenly with your cane?! [ 0:33] [Slow footsteps.] [ 0:33] Suiseiseki: Sneak... sneak... [ 0:36] [Clink.] [ 0:36] Shinku: My tea has gone cold. Go pour me a fresh cup. In addition, I haven't yet read that copy of "Detective Kunkun: The Novel," so do not speak of its plot developments out loud. [ 0:48] [Weird noise.] [ 0:48] [Slow footsteps.] [ 0:48] Suiseiseki: Sneak... sneak... [ 0:52] Jun: You could get your own tea, couldn't you? [ 0:55] [Smack! Smack!] [ 0:55] Jun: [Groan.] [ 0:57] [Slow footsteps.] [ 0:57] Suiseiseki: Sneak... sneak... [ 1:01] Shinku: How impertinent, for a servant to talk back to his mistress. It would appear that you need some re-education. [ 1:06] [Smack! Smack!] [ 1:06] Jun: Uwaaah-! Alright! [ 1:09] [Slow footsteps.] [ 1:09] Suiseiseki: Sneak... sneak... [ 1:12] Shinku: Better for you to have behaved yourself and said so from the beginning. You really are so foolish. Oh yes, and don't ask Nori to do it for you. Unless you do it yourself, it won't be any good for your re-education. [ 1:25] Jun: Yeah, yeah. [ 1:26] Shinku: Say yes, once. [ 1:27] Jun: Y-E-S. [ 1:30] [Slow footsteps.] [ 1:30] Suiseiseki: Sneak-sneak-sneak... sneak-sneak-sneak... [ 1:35] [Music stops.] [ 1:35] Suiseiseki: [Cackle.] My covert approach to the target with the stupid face is going perfectly ~desu! So perfectly that I can't resist this shout of victory welling up from inside of me ~desu! [ 1:49] [Drumbeat.] [ 1:49] Jun: So, why have you been lurking around behind me and trying to hunt me for the past few minutes, you wicked doll? [ 1:55] [Music starts.] [ 1:55] Suiseiseki: W-w-w-w-w... w-w-what are you talking about ~desu?! Why would Suiseiseki need to be stalking you ~desu?! Don't get so full of yourself all of the time ~desu! [ 2:08] Jun: Well, for one thing, your eyes plainly look like those of a hunter aiming at prey. [ 2:11] [Rattle.] [ 2:11] Suiseiseki: I-I-I-I-I-I wasn't particularly trying to ride on top of your head or anything like that ~desu! [ 2:21] [Fidgeting sounds.] [ 2:21] Suiseiseki: J-just because Puny-Ichigo is always doing it, it didn't make me the slightest bit... jealous, or anything...! Make no mistake about it - and if you do, I'll clobber you! [ 2:27] Jun: Yeah? Well, fine, but don't go getting any funny ideas. You're heavier than Hinaichigo, so my neck would get snapped. [ 2:36] [Pop!] [ 2:36] Suiseiseki: Grrrr-! [ 2:36] [Ring.] [ 2:38] [Rattle.] [ 2:38] Suiseiseki: What the hell are you saying, you puny human?!! ... You've violently shattered Suiseiseki's heart of glass ~desu! [ 2:49] [Pop! Pop!] [ 2:49] Suiseiseki: Ora-ora! Be quiet, dammit, and let Suiseiseki ride you ~desu! [ 2:53] [Whomp! Whomp!] [ 2:53] Jun: Ughhh-! I think you meant *bulletproof* glass, didn't you? Hey, get off of me! Stop twisting my neck! [ 2:57] [Music stops.] [ 3:01] Suiseiseki: [Grunt.] Why does the mountaineer climb the mountain? Because it is there ~desu! [ 3:05] Jun: What are you talking about...?! [ 3:07] Shinku: Jun, is my tea ready yet? [ 3:09] Jun: Isn't there anything else you can say in a situation like this?! [ 3:12] [Swoop.] [ 3:14] Shinku: Oh? ... No, it couldn't be. Be that as it may... Jun! Stop fooling around and bring me my tea this instant. [ 3:25] Jun: You...! Don't you ever think about anything besides tea and Kunkun?! ... [ 3:30] [Music starts.] [ 3:30] [Footsteps.] [ 3:31] Hinaichigo: Yaay! Yaay! It's Tomoe's room ~na no! [ 3:34] TOmoe: If you run like that you'll fall down, Hinaichigo. [ 3:37] Hinaichigo: [Giggle.] Okaay, ~na no! Hey, Tomoe? [ 3:41] Tomoe: What is it? [ 3:43] Hinaichigo: Do I *have* to be patient until I get back home? [ 3:46] Tomoe: Hmm... They're supposed to be a present to bring back to everyone, but I guess there's no choice. Just one, though. [ 3:53] Hinaichigo: Hurray! Tomoe, I love you ~na no! [ 3:56] [Footsteps. Rummaging around.] [ 3:58] Hinaichigo: Piping hot unyuu ~na no! Thanks for the food ~na no! [Munch munch munch.] [ 4:03] Tomoe: If you eat it that fast it'll get caught in your throat! [ 4:06] Hinaichigo: Yaay ~na no! [ 4:08] Tomoe: [Giggle.] [ 4:10] Hinaichigo: Huh? Tomoe, why are you laughing? [ 4:14] Tomoe: Mm... I was just thinking, I'm glad you seem to be having so much fun since you've been staying at Sakurada-kun's house. [ 4:20] Hinaichigo: Yeah! Jun's real nice, and Nori's cooking is yummy, and Shinku and Suiseiseki are there too, and Souseiseki and Kanaria come over to play, too, so it's real fun! [ 4:32] Tomoe: It is? That's great. All I could ever do was make you sad. [ 4:39] Hinaichigo: Huh?! That's not true! [ 4:41] Tomoe: Oh? [ 4:42] Hinaichigo: It's not your fault, Tomoe! So, even if you're not my Medium anymore, I love you! I love Jun and the others too, but, Tomoe, I love you the best ~na no! [ 4:54] Tomoe: Hinaichigo... Thank you. [ 4:56] [Swoop.] [ 4:56] [Music stops.] [ 4:57] Tomoe: Oh? Did some kind of big shadow fly off from outside of the window just now? [ 5:02] Hinaichigo: [Mumble mumble.] [ 5:04] Tomoe: Ah, Hinaichigo, don't! Didn't I tell you you could have only one? [ 5:08] Hinaichigo: [Choking sounds.] [ 5:10] [Pounding on the back.] [ 5:11] Tomoe: Oh geez, you're so hopeless! ... [ 5:15] [Clock chiming.] [ 5:15] [Clinking.] [ 5:20] [Footsteps.] [ 5:20] Souseiseki: Grandpa, I brought you some tea. [ 5:22] Old Man: Ahh, thank you, Souseiseki. [ 5:26] [Clink.] [ 5:27] [Sitting down.] [ 5:27] Old Man: Well then, let's take a break, shall we? [ 5:30] Souseiseki: Yes. [ 5:31] [Music starts.] [ 5:32] Old Man: [Sipping.] Ohh! That's good! Even better than Grandma's! [ 5:40] Souseiseki: Really? [Laughs softly.] I'm so glad! All that practice has paid off! [ 5:45] Old Man: Ohh? You've been practicing, have you?\ [ 5:49] Souseiseki: Yes! In addition to that, I'm glad that grandma's been teaching me things like how to cook, and clean, and do laundry! [ 5:58] Old Man: Is that so? ... But, it's alright for you to not mind us sometimes and just go have fun, you know? [ 6:07] Souseiseki: [Laughs softly.] Thank you. But I like doing housework. [ 6:15] Old Man: Hmm... Really, you're such a nice, domestic child, Souseiseki! [ 6:23] Souseiseki: [Giggle.] I'm going to learn many more things! Then, I'll be of use to you and Grandma! [ 6:33] Old Man: Souseiseki... You're such a fine granddaughter, you're wasted on the likes of us. [ 6:43] Souseiseki: Granddaughter...! But I'm not human- [ 6:46] Old Man: What are you saying? Whether you're a human or a doll, you're a dear, dear member of our family! [ 7:01] Souseiseki: Grandpa... [ 7:02] [Swoop.] [ 7:03] [Music stops.] [ 7:03] Souseiseki: Ah... [ 7:04] Old Man: Hm? Ah, is something the matter. [ 7:07] Souseiseki: Ah, no, it just seemed like there was someone on the other side of the mirror... NO, it was just my imagination. ... [ 7:15] [Clatter.] [ 7:17] [Sizzle.] [ 7:17] Micchan; Okay, sorry for the wait! Kana's full-tilt sugar-filled sweet fried eggs are done! [ 7:23] [Clink.] [ 7:24] Kanaria: Yaay! Micchan, I've been waiting for this ~kashira! [ 7:26] Micchan: Go on, eat up! [ 7:29] Kanaria: I'll take a break from my 876th infiltration attempt today to eat some fried eggs ~kashira! [Munch munch munch.] [ 7:37] Micchan: How do they taste? [ 7:39] Kanaria: GOOD ~kashira! Sweet and fluffy, they make my cheeks puff out so much I think they're going to burst~! [ 7:47] [Tinkling sound.] [ 7:47] Micchan: Ka... Kana...! [ 7:49] [Reverberating sound.] [ 7:50] Kanaria: [Mumble mumble.] [ 7:50] Micchan: [Heavy breathing.] [ 7:52] Kanaria: Huh? Micchan, what's wrong ~kashira? You're kinda breathing heavily, and your eyes are glittering ~kashira. [ 8:00] [Plink!] [ 8:00] Micchan: That's because... Kana... you're so...! CUUUUUTE~!!! [ 8:05] [Glomp!] [ 8:07] [Music starts.] [ 8:08] Kanaria: [Gurgle.] [ 8:08] [Crash.] [ 8:09] [Pinch pinch.] [ 8:09] Micchan: Ahhh, you're just so CUUUTE~! With that cute forehead and those cheeks, I want to eat you up! Mmmm~! [ 8:12] [Squish squish.] [ 8:17] Kanaria: Urghh...! It would be a problem for me to be eaten ~kashira! Ah-! Mi-! Micchan-! If I get hugged that tightly... my guts will come out ~kashira...! [ 8:30] [Music stops.] [ 8:31] Suigintou: What's going on here seems unimportant. [ 8:33] [Swoop.] [ 8:35] Kanaria: I... I don't really understand, but... I have the feeling I've been harshly insulted ~kashira! [ 8:42] [Pop!] [ 8:42] Micchan: Huh...? Kana?! [ 8:44] [Plonk.] [ 8:44] Micchan: No! Open your eyes! Please, don't leave me alone~! [ 8:45] [Clattering, shaking sounds.] [ 8:49] Kanaria: Don't shake me so strongly, Micchan...! If you shake me that strongly... [ 8:56] [Gong.] [ 8:56] Kanaria: Kana... will break ~kashira...! [ 9:02] [Light slapping sounds.] [ 9:02] Micchan: Kana! KANAAA~!! TRACK 3 - I AM STRONG [ 0:02] [Echoing footsteps.] [ 0:02] Suigintou: It would seem that I've wasted my time. Such a thing as that, the relationship between doll and Medium... [ 0:11] [Settling down.] [ 0:12] Suigintou: What's the point in getting any closer to them than is necessary, stupidly becoming like friends and family? [Chuckle.] I don't understand it at all. [ 0:24] [Magic sounds.] [ 0:27] Suigintou: Have you come back again, Laplace's Demon? I took you up on your nonsense and ended up doing something foolish. [ 0:37] [Whoosh.] [ 0:38] Barasuishou: ... Ended up doing something foolish... [ 0:41] Suigintou: [Grunt.] [ 0:41] [Music starts.] [ 0:43] Barasuishou: Suigintou... [ 0:45] Suigintou: Barasuishou...! [Chuckle.] [ 0:47] [Stands up.] [ 0:49] Suigintou: So it's you this time? What did you come here for? Or would it be useless to ask? [ 0:58] Barasuishou: ... There is only one thing... that a Rozen Maiden must do... [ 1:03] [Crash.] [ 1:04] Suigintou: [Gasp.] [ 1:06] Barasuishou: Come... for Father's sake, let us begin the Alice Game... [ 1:12] Suigintou: [Gulp.] Father...! [ 1:14] [Music changes.] [ 1:24] Suigintou: ... Yes... I've been thinking about things that don't matter, haven't I. [ 1:24] [Swoop.] [ 1:26] Suigintou: Of Mediums... and that human... Such things as those don't matter. The only thing that matters is to defeat all of you, and become Alice-!! [ 1:36] [Fighting sounds.] [ 1:40] Barasuishou: As expected... [ 1:41] [Crash.] [ 1:43] Suigintou: [Yell.] [ 1:44] [Fighting sounds.] [ 1:46] Barasuishou: [Grunt.] [ 1:47] Suigintou: [Laugh.] You're too careless! Your back is wide open! [ 1:52] [Fighting sounds.] [ 1:54] Suigintou: [Yell.] [ 1:57] [Crash.] [ 1:58] Barasuishou: [Grunt.] ... You are... strong, after all... [ 2:05] Suigintou: Yes! Even without a Medium, I'm strong! [ 2:12] Barasuishou: But... *I* am strong, too. [ 2:15] Suigintou: ...? [ 2:16] [Crash.] [ 2:19] Suigintou: [Grunt.] ... You don't know when to quit...! [ 2:22] [Fighting sounds.] [ 2:26] Suigintou: There are... too many of them...! [Scream.] [ 2:28] [Crash.] [ 2:30] [Thwip!] [ 2:31] Suigintou: ... Damn! I can't... move my arms and legs! [ 2:34] [Music stops.] [ 2:34] [Footsteps.] [ 2:37] Barasuishou: Caught you. [ 2:39] [Clink.] [ 2:41] Barasuishou: You've fallen short of my expectations... I'd thought you were stronger... [ 2:46] Suigintou: Why you...! *You..!!* [ 2:49] Barasuishou: With only your own power... you can't break this crystal cage... But you *do* have it, don't you...? More power... [ 3:03] Suigintou: [Grunt.] I don't need...! [Grunt.] [ 3:09] Barasuishou: If you don't... then it's... [ 3:12] [Whoosh.] [ 3:15] [Music starts.] [ 3:15] Suigintou: I... can't be beaten... here-!\ [ 3:20] Megu's Voice: [Singing:] Dreams are the wind... [ 3:22] Suigintou: [Gasp.] This is...! [ 3:27] Barasuishou: It's over for you now... [ 3:32] Suigintou: Don't make... light of *me*! [ 3:37] [Shatter.] [ 3:39] Barasuishou: [Grunt.] ... The crystal cage... It's not possible that with only your own power... [ 3:48] Suigintou: Didn't I tell you? Even without a Medium, I'm strong! [ 3:54] Barasuishou: [Grunt.] [ 3:55] Suigintou: [Laugh.] Well, shall we continue? Now I'll rise to your expectations, and show you more of a fun time! [ 4:08] [Crash.] [ 4:09] [Shatter.] [ 4:11] [Music stops.] TRACK 4 - MEGU'S SONG [ 0:02] Megu: [Singing:] Dreams are the wind... Light- [ 0:11] [Swoop.] [ 0:13] [Footsteps.] [ 0:14] Megu: Suigintou? ... Thank you. I'm glad you came to me. [ 0:22] Suigintou: ... [ 0:24] Megu: I thought that maybe you wouldn't come back to me again. So, I'm really thankful. [ 0:35] Suigintou: Is that also one of your whims? [ 0:38] Megu: Oh? ... No, it's not. I'm truly glad. [ 0:46] Suigintou: I didn't grant your wish. [ 0:51] Megu: Yes. The ring didn't become hot at all. Even though you're that hurt. [ 1:01] Suigintou: So, in spite of that, why are you so glad? [ 1:05] Megu: Come over here for a minute. [ 1:06] [Pat pat.] [ 1:08] Suigintou: Why should I have to sit on your bed? [ 1:12] Megu: Just do it. [ 1:15] Suigintou: [Sigh.] Don't blame me if I get it dirty. [ 1:19] Megu: You aren't dirty, Suigintou. [ 1:23] [Rustle.] [ 1:25] [Music starts.] [ 1:27] Megu: May I touch your hair? [ 1:31] Suigintou: As you please. [ 1:33] Megu: Yes. [ 1:35] [Brushing sounds start.] [ 1:36] Suigintou: What are you doing? [ 1:38] Megu: I'm fixing your hair with a hairbrush. I don't like for your hair to be mussed up. [ 1:46] Suigintou: ... [ 1:50] Megu: Suigintou, your hair is really so gorgeous. It's like the silver-colored light of the moon is flowing through your hair... True, you won't grant my wish. I'm a little bit sad about that. But, this afternoon, when you left and I thought that you wouldn't come back to me again, a little part of me felt much more sad. That's why I want to show my heartfelt gratitude that you've now returned to me. [ 2:37] Suigintou: Megu... [ 2:38] Megu: ...? Did you just say something? [ 2:44] Suigintou: ... Not really. More importantly, how long do you intend to continue doing this? [ 2:49] Megu: I don't think I can stop, Suigintou. [Chuckle.] Your hair takes the brush so well, it feels very nice. So nice that it makes me want to keep doing this forever. [ 3:08] Suigintou: ... I don't particularly need your power. You're unnecessary. [ 3:16] Megu: Oh. [ 3:17] Suigintou: I never intended to come here, either. [ 3:20] Megu: Yes. [ 3:23] Suigintou: If only I didn't hear that... [ 3:27] Megu: Oh? [ 3:29] [Music stops.] [ 3:30] Suigintou: ... I think my wings must be broken. For them to bring me to such a place as this on their own... [Chuckle.] How truly... stupid... [ 3:43] [Music starts.] [ 3:44] Megu: Suigintou? You just smiled... [ 3:47] Suigintou: Oh? I know nothing about that... By the way, are you done fixing my hair yet? [ 3:55] Megu: Please, just a little bit more. [ 3:58] Suigintou: I wonder how many wishes you'll ask of me? [ 4:02] Megu: I'm surprised about it myself, too. My only wish should have been for you to take my life away with you, angel, but... after I met you, Suigintou, it seems as if my wishes have multiplied. [ 4:20] Suigintou: ... [Whispering:] Humans... I don't really understand them. Nor myself, either... [ 4:29] [Brushing sounds stop.] [ 4:29] Megu: What, Suigintou? [ 4:32] Suigintou: That song... [ 4:33] Megu: Oh? [ 4:34] Suigintou: The one you were singing before. Who told you to stop singing it? [ 4:40] Megu: Yes... [ 4:41] [Brushing sounds resume.] [ 4:42] Megu: [Singing:] You are like a glass window... ... [ 4:49] Suigintou: In the end I still don't understand anything about it, but, at least, when Father said to become Alice...? [ 4:58] Megu: Suigintou, for a while you've just been saying something to yourself... [ 5:05] Suigintou: It's no matter of concern to you. So keep singing. [ 5:12] Megu: Okay... ... TRACK 5 - IMAGE SONG: "KANATA KARA NO REKUIEMU" ("REQUIEM FROM AFAR") [DRAMA VERSION] Muishiki no umi e to, moroku kizutsuita karada wo shizumeta (Into the sea of the unconscious, I sunk my easily wounded body) Kurikaesu omokage ni, tada ai ga hoshii to negau (To my recurring shadow, I wish that I only desire love) Yureugoku na inochi ni okuru, kanata kara no REKUIEMU (Bestowed upon my unstable life, a requiem from afar) Utsukushiku zankoku na MERODI (A beautifully cruel melody) Eien ni kizamareta, saka no juuji ni inori wo (A prayer upon an inverted cross, eternally engraved) Tsuyosugiru omoi wa yugamidasu (My feelings, too strong, begin to become twisted) … Futashika na mirai wo yadosu, akai hitomi ni nemuri wo (Giving sleep to red eyes, sheltering an uncertain future) Rakuen e izanau MERODI (A melody enticing me to Paradise) Tsutau sube wo shiranai, kokoro ni tomoru hikari wo (Not knowing the way forward, a light burns in my heart) Hisoyaka ni daita sono mama de (Held silently, as it is)